Organic, Tasty Olives and Fast Growth
Healthy, antioxidant-rich oils make Arbequina Olives unique and totally delectable. The Arbequina Olive Tree can produce up to 20 lbs. of these olives each year for snacks, salads and more. Some of the finest (and most expensive) olive oils sold at grocery stores use Arbequina Olives – so you can save money whilst reaping the healthful benefits of this classic, organically-grown fruit when you plant your very own tree.
Even better? Arbequinas are highly adaptable and can thrive in nearly any area of the country. Arbequina Olive Trees are rarely affected by pests and are easy to grow organically, no matter where you’re located. Plus, Arbequinas can be grown indoors year-round and are semi-deciduous, so they only drop their leaves in extreme cold. When they’re kept indoors, Arbequina Olive Trees retain their leaves throughout the winter.
Because it can tolerate cold temperatures down to 20 degrees F, the Arbequina Olive Tree is ultra-hardy, thriving outdoors in growing zones 8-11 and growing zone 7 if it’s blocked from Northerly winds. If you live in a Northern state, place your Arbequina Olive Tree in a container and bring it indoors during the harshest weeks of winter, and move it back outdoors during summer months to ensure the highest level of fruit production.
Best of all? This Arbequina Olive Tree is grown organically and self-pollinates, so you only need one tree to produce fruit. This universal symbol for health is a décor staple and all-around versatile garden addition – it grows quickly, is easily pruned to a manageable size and thrives indoors or outdoors.
And the Arbequina Olive Trees from our nursery are meticulously nurtured from branch cuttings, not seed, so they produce fruit several years sooner. Your Arbequina Olive Tree is grown and shipped in its own container, roots intact, so it’s ready to grow quickly and produce fruit as soon as possible.=
Order now for a healthful, happy and organically-grown garden staple that moonlights as a must-have for both curb appeal and delicious produce!
Planting & Care
Location: Arbequina Olives make great additions to balconies, patios and even indoors due to their ability to live well in containers.
Planting Instructions: You should plant your Arbequina Olives in a small container. Once it has reached a few feet tall, you can move it to a permanent place to grow. Do this by digging a hole twice as wide as the root ball. Place the Olive tree inside and cover with soil. They can also be moved to larger pots with great success.
Watering: Allow Olive trees to dry out a bit in between waterings, never allowing the soil to become saturated. When the soil is dry in the first two inches, it’s time to water.
Fertilization: Use a high nitrogen fertilizer, something like a 17-6-10 timed release would be perfect.
Weed Control: If your Arbequina Olives shows signs of weeds, simply remove the weeds and as much of the weed root system as possible. You can choose a common pesticide available in most stores if you feel the problem is out of control or simply keep removing the weeds until they are no longer a problem.
Pests and Disease: The only pest most balcony or patio olive growers need to worry about is scale, which is easy to treat with insecticidal soap or BioNeem. Spray the entire tree according to the package instructions. If your tree is indoors, be sure to choose an insecticidal soap approved for indoor use.
Pruning: Thin out young plants to 3-4 main branches. After blooming in spring, clip the tips of the branches. Make the cut just above the point where a pair of leaves attaches to the stem. Leave each branch at least six inches long, but how much longer is up to you and what will look good on your balcony or patio.
Pollination: Arbequina Olives are wind pollinated, and generally self-fertile. However, you will get better fruit production if you have more than one tree. Be sure to either choose two of the same variety, or if you are picking different varieties, two or more trees that bloom at the same time.